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Your purchase was successful! Thank you for booking an email reading with me.

Please follow these instructions carefully.

You will receive your reading via email within 72 hours of me receiving both of the following:

1.  Email me a photo of yourself that shows your face clearly.  Make it as recent as possible.  If your question refers to someone else, send a photo of them too.  No sunglasses please.

2.  Along with your photo(s), email me your ONE question.  Be as specific as possible.  Give me as much information as you can so that I understand your situation.  If you send a vague question, you’ll get a vague answer.

Once I have your photo(s) and question, I will tune in to your guides and type their answer to you and send it via email.  Remember there are no follow ups on this reading.

The answer you receive will be complete.  Sometimes the answers are short and sometimes they are very long.  I don’t know in advance how long it will be but I’ll pass on everything your guides want me to say on the subject.

Here are some tips to help you get the best out of this reading option:

1.  If you want to discuss your career, be sure to tell me what your job or career position is right now so I know where you’re coming from.

2.  Guides can’t tell you when something will happen because the future isn’t set in stone.  So instead of asking, “When will X happen?” a better question is “What do I have to do to make X happen as soon as possible?”

3.  If you’re asking about a deceased loved one you need to know they may not come through for me, and an email reading is not the best venue for communication.  Switch to a phone reading if you can, otherwise we’ll do the best we can via email.

4.  Do not ask if your partner is cheating on you or who they are with.  Guides will not answer that question.  Instead ask what you need to know to improve your relationship or send me a photo of your partner and ask me about the relationship in general.

I look forward to reading for you!