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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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Psychic Readings Update

Wow.  A couple of weeks ago when I updated the site I also decided to start offering psychic readings.  I was excited when the first three requests came in within just a couple of hours of the announcement.  I was thrilled when after just 24 hours I had more than a dozen reading requests.  And imagine my delight to find that after just a week I had more than 50 requests.   Thank you to everyone who has requested and received a reading so far.  Your confidence and faith in me are much appreciated.  I’ve been very much enjoying doing the readings and meeting so many of you on the phone, in person, and via email.  I also thank you for your patience as I get to everyone as quickly as I can.

I’ve learned a lot these past two weeks.  For one, I learned I need an appointment book, because managing all these appointments was a new experience for me.  I’ve also learned that 6 readings a day is my limit, otherwise my energy gets a bit drained.  And many of my web clients are getting a “busy signal” this week because I’m so busy with readings.

I’ve also been noticing an increase in all of my abilities the more I do this.  Before I was getting mostly metaphorical images (which I’ve since read is very common among clairvoyants).  But I started inviting people’s higher selves into my garden (the place where my higher self hangs out) to sit on a bench with me to just get their messages directly.  That allowed me to bypass some of the metaphorical imagery I was getting and get the messages faster and more clearly.  I still use the metaphors because they are so rich in detail, but now I can get clear auditory messages directly from spirit guides and people’s higher selves.  So the readings are becoming richer in that respect.

I’ve become good at opening the channel, but lately I’ve realized I need to learn how to shut it down better when I’m done with a reading.  I started noticing a significant drain in my energy after I’d done too many readings in a row.  So I’m now learning how to close the connection when I’m done with it.  It’s sort of like everyone’s higher selves were still hanging out in my garden having tea and cookies and I had to send them all home. 😉

I’m really enjoying this process a lot and I am grateful to you all for allowing me into your hearts and souls to help you on your paths.  Some of you are wondering why I am unable to tell you exactly what to do next.  I can’t, and neither can your guides.  They are not here to tell you what to do, only to help you with whichever direction you choose.  They know where you really want to go, so they will send signs and signals to help you on your way, but ultimately, all decisions are yours.  The best use of my abilities is to have some idea of where you want to go and use me to check in with your higher self and guides for confirmation or advice.  In some cases, I’ve had guides say, “yes yes, that’s a good move!” and in some cases I’ve had guides say, “No no, don’t do it!  Bad move, bad idea, just stop right there, mister!”  I do get specific advice from the guides, but it may seem generic to the people I’m reading for.  Advice like, “Take more walks in your garden,” or “Meditate on your chakras.”  When you really want to know what career you should switch into and your guide tells you to meditate on your chakras you can get a little impatient, but please remember that their advice is coming from a very deep 4th dimensional level.  Listen to it and take it to heart.

Always remember that when a psychic tells you something very specific such as “you will have a baby in 2 years” or “you will move to a new career in three months” that it’s still up to you and your free will to accept or reject that future.  The psychic is just reading the energy as it now stands.  In other words, she is correct at the time of the reading but you can always change your outcome using your free will, so be careful how you act on that information.

In terms of connecting with deceased loved ones, I’m finding that I can’t just find someone in the ether using 1-800-dial-the-dead.  I’ve had only one reading so far where a deceased relative made herself known to me 5 minutes before I phoned the couple for their reading.  She gave me such detailed and intriguing information that the couple was able to confirm and I think I was more blown away than the couple I was reading for!  I definitely plan to work on the mediumship part of my abilities as time goes on.

If you are interested in having me read for you, I highly recommend the phone reading.  People who have had the phone readings are able to get much more clarity on their questions than people who get the email readings.  Email readings are best when you just want to connect with your guides or higher self and get their message.  But if you want to know what’s coming up in your life or where you should go next, definitely get a phone reading.  I’m also doing a limited number of in-person readings, so if you are planning a visit to Las Vegas you might enjoy meeting with me.  Those readings are longer and there’s a much better chance I will connect with a deceased relative.

Again, thank you to everyone I’ve read for so far.  Your feedback is very valuable, especially on the email readings.  Many of you have written to tell me that something your guide told you is exactly what you had recently journaled about or meditated about, etc.  I am finding that most of you are already vibrating at higher than average frequencies.  I am also finding many of you wanting to move in a more spiritual direction in your life and career and I think that’s wonderful.  I’m glad to be able to help you on your way.

I’m continually adding to the Readings FAQ as I’m receiving more great questions whose answers will benefit many.  And I’ve created an order form for the readings that you can use to pay via credit card (in addition to paypal) and which will also make it faster for me to set up your appointments.

That’s all the news from here. I am hoping to get back to regular blogging soon and have a number of topics coming up shortly that I think you’ll find very interesting.

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