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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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Criss Angel Update

The producer of the show told me they are done editing the show and it will either air on October 4 as a regular episode or they might save it for Halloween and air it as a special.  I’m not sure how long my segment will be or if it will just be interspersed throughout the show.  The episode is called “Celebrity Seance.”  Hopefully there is enough footage in there to convey what really happened to us all on that day at the Amargosa Hotel. 

When I think back on the day of filming I realize how important that day was to my budding career as a psychic.  I was so nervous.  I wondered if I would pick up on anything there at all.  But I just knew I had to do it.  If you haven’t read about the experience you can do so here

In a way I’m glad the episode got delayed a little.  I’m more confident in my abilities now, and if I get a surge of traffic and reading requests as a result of the show I’ll be able to handle it better.

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