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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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I Can Do It Conference

The I Can Do It conference at the Sands Expo in Las Vegas is being held on May 17-20.  Steve and I will be attending, as we did last year.  I’ve gotten several requests from people who want in-person readings during the conference, but unfortunately I won’t have time during the conference since I will be an attendee myself.  However, if you are arriving earlier in the week, I will have time on Wednesday (16th) and Thursday (17th) to give in-person readings, as well as on Monday, the 21st.  Book a reading soon if you want a slot on one of those days and let me know which day you prefer.

Steve and I are also going to try to set up an informal gathering for anyone from our boards and blogs who would like to meet us.  It will be a wonderful opportunity to put faces to the names, and to meet you all in person.  To that end, if you are planning to attend the conference and would like to be notified about when and where we are meeting, please send me an email.  As the date approaches I’ll send out details as to where we’ll be meeting as it would be good to have a rough idea of how many people will attend.  Our meeting will not interrupt any of the conference schedule.  Again, this is informal; we’re not getting a room or anything like that.  Hopefully we can find a time and place to meet that is suitable for our needs.

We’re both looking forward to the conference as we had such a great time last year.  I encourage you to attend if you are interested.  Go to to register.  They tell me they are selling out fast so you may want to book soon.

Hope to see you there.  🙂

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