The Ignominious Defeat of Super Mom
Before I had children I had this image of myself as a mother. I’d be part June Cleaver and part Gloria Allred. I’d make sure
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with Erin Pavlina
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The Ignominious Defeat of Super Mom
Before I had children I had this image of myself as a mother. I’d be part June Cleaver and part Gloria Allred. I’d make sure
How can I become a professional medium?
Welcome to the fifth episode of my YouTube series, Ask Erin Pavlina. Each week I’m posting a new video that answers a question submitted by
News and Announcements – February 2011
Los Angeles I will be in Los Angeles, CA March 4-6. If you want to book an in-person reading with me while I’m there, please
The Afterlife Experience for Those Who Suicide
Recently people have asked me what life is like on the other side for people who commit suicide. I’ve written about the Spiritual Consequences of Suicide in another article, so today I’ll discuss what I’ve seen and what I understand about life among those who suicide.
Sometimes Love Just Ain’t Enough
Discover the balance between love and compatibility in relationships. Love alone may not be enough for lasting happiness.
Creating a vision board is an excellent tool to help you achieve your dreams or acquire things you want. The mere act of putting one
Do our guides get angry with us if we ask for too much help?
Welcome to the fourth episode of my YouTube series, Ask Erin Pavlina. Each week I’m posting a new video that answers a question submitted by
Unlock the wisdom of your spirit guides and discover the guidance you’ve been missing.
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