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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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7-Year Anniversary: News and Updates

Today marks the 7 year anniversary of the day I began doing professional intuitive readings for clients. It was a dream come true to be able to hone this gift into something useful to others.

Since that day, I’ve read for thousands of people all across the globe. I’ve met some amazing individuals who have gone on to have amazing lives, relationships, and careers.

I am so grateful to have been a part of their path, and to help people make decisions that took their lives in new, powerful, purposeful directions. I am grateful to be able to help those contemplating suicide; the guides seem to know just what to say.

I am grateful to my conduit guide, Bob, who helps me tune in to your guides during readings. He’s quite the fellow. And he’s funny as heck. I wish you all could meet him.

I am also grateful to be able to teach others how to be professional intuitives. When I see my students go on to develop their own practices, helping others, I feel like we’re sending ripples of exponential positivity into the world. The graduates of my training program are dedicated, awesome lightworkers.

As I start my 8th year as a professional intuitive, here are a few things that are coming up that I hope will excite you as much as they do me.

As many of you know, I’m writing a book on Astral Projection. I’m not sure when it will be done, but I think by midsummer you’ll have access to it. If you’re interested in being an affiliate for the book, send me a message through my contact form and I’ll add you to the list.

After the book is done, I’m going to get to work creating online classes on topics like intuition, connecting with your guides, chakras, lucid dreaming, and a lot more.

I’m also considering creating a membership based section of my site which will include a message board, and some exclusive content and discounts.

If you’re signed up to receive news and updates from me, you’ll have exclusive access to the podcasts I’ve been releasing. If you’re not signed up, use the form in the upper right corner.

I’m going to continue doing the professional intuitive trainings, so if you want to learn how to use your intuition to help others while also earning a living, please contact me asap.

And I’m looking at rolling out another reading option that will help those with urgent questions who can’t wait for answers.

Thank you for reading my blog and participating on my facebook page. I’m right at the 5,000 friend mark, so please subscribe to the facebook page to get updates over there.

I love you all and appreciate your presence in my life. Have a fantastic day!

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