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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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January 2014 – Announcements

There’s a lot going on in Erin Pavlina land right now and if you’ll bear with me, I’d love to make you aware of them so you can take advantage of the opportunities that appeal to you.

Ask Erin Q&A is back!
People ask me questions ALL the time about all the topics I write about in my blog. When I answer them, only one person benefits.

Or I hang on to the question and write a blog article about it somewhere down the line.

But I’m going to try a new way to answer the hundreds of questions I get. Ask Erin Q&A audio programs. I’ll tell you more about this soon, but for now, I invite you to email with questions.

Send all questions to my assistant, Stephan at DO NOT send them to me directly or they will disappear into the slush pile.

Please only send questions that will benefit everyone.

Good Question: Do deceased people hear us if we talk to them?
Bad Question: Can you tell me if Mark Smith made it to the other side on January 2. I miss him so.

I can only answer general questions in these programs. If you have a personal question, you need to book a reading.

Become a Professional Intuitive
I train intuitive people to go pro.

If you are intuitive already and you want to help others with your intuition while also earning a good living, consider taking my three day intensive course here in Las Vegas.

The next training is Feb 26-28 and I’ve got just 2 spots left.

For more information go here: Professional Intuitive Training with Erin Pavlina

Ultimate You Mindfest is Coming!
Paul Scheele of Learning Strategies is once again offering free access to the Ultimate You Mindfest. I highly recommend it!

When you sign up you will receive free access to breakthrough content that can help you get real and practical results in your life.

You won’t have to buy anything to listen, and there are no strings attached. You get to listen free during the Ultimate You Mindfest that begins on January 20.

Get Your Free Pass.

Plus, when you sign up now, you receive instant access to the 10-Minute Supercharger “Paraliminal” program. This will help you energize your body and relax your mind in just ten minutes. I LOVE the paraliminals. I use the Dreaming Paraliminal to help me fall asleep fast when I’m sick, can’t sleep, or can’t turn off my mind chatter. 😉

Hundreds of thousands of people have already experienced this remarkable program. Now it’s your turn. It’s less than 1 hour a day and you can listen to each program within a 24 hour window to fit your schedule. But you have to sign up to receive the links.

Sign up here

If you did this last year you’ll know how powerful it is!

Facebook Cover Photo Contest
My Facebook page has no cover photo. It’s a very sad panda. We’ve tried getting this job done every which way and something always happens to block our success.

So I decided to run a contest because that has always worked out well for me in the past.

Design a Facebook Cover Photo for

Submit your design to by January 27, 2014 and we’ll pick a winner on January 31, 2014. Please send as a jpg.

The winner wins a free email reading with me. ($150 value)

You can submit more than one design. I can’t even tell you the size it needs to be because I honestly don’t know, but I’m sure Facebook and Google can help you figure that out.

What should go on the cover? Be creative. Make it impactful, informative, and pleasing to the eye. Use your intuition. 😉

Thank you in advance to everyone who participates!

Wait Times for Readings
I appreciate your patience as I get through phone readings as fast as possible.

There’s been a huge increase in demand and I’m putting as many appointments on my schedule as I can manage.

The current wait time for an email reading is less than 3 days.

The current wait time for a phone reading is currently 1-2 months.

Please bear that in mind when you book a reading. Thank you!

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