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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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Are deceased pets jealous when we get new pets?

“I had my dog, Jackson, for 12 years before I had to put him down. I was devastated and figured I’d never get another dog. But 3 months later I fell in love with another dog, got her from the shelter, and now I’m worried that Jackson is jealous or thinks I don’t love him. Are deceased pets okay with us having other pets in our lives? I don’t want him to be mad at me.” – Marisa

The bonds we create between ourselves and our animal companions can be amazingly strong. When our animals die it’s like losing a member of the family and the grief can be overwhelming.

Some people get another animal companion right away and others decide they can’t live through that pain again so they never get another pet.

I went through this myself when our first cat, Crystal, died unexpectedly from a stomach tumor at only 6 years of age. I thought we were going to have Crystal for many years but she was only with my family for 2 years before she crossed over.

The kids and I went through several months of grieving her loss. I wasn’t sure I wanted to get another cat because I didn’t want to outlive it and go through the grief of losing another loved one.

But then I realized that we had love to give and we could rescue another cat that might otherwise be euthanized. So we went to the shelter and met a beautiful, fluffy, black and white cat. She was such a love, immediately crawling up on my daughter’s shoulder and nuzzling her ear. We were smitten.

We adopted Werble, took her home, and our hearts filled once again with love for our new cat. The next year we rescued another kitty, a sleek black cat we named Niblet. Then came Joey, our cream tabby cat who thinks he is a dog.

Animals on the other side appreciate and respect the love you spread to other animals on Earth.

I did a reading once for a gal and her deceased black cat came through to me and showed me a white kitten. As I discovered upon examination, my client had just gotten a white kitten after her elderly black cat had died. The black cat conveyed to me that she “brought” my client the white kitten on purpose, so she would know the joys of loving another animal and so that another animal could be saved from death.

In my experience reading for pet owners, the animals don’t experience jealousy on the other side. They wait patiently for us to arrive so they can greet us and love us once more.

Love shared is love multiplied. If you are ready for another animal companion, your deceased pets will support that decision.

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