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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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Can You Fully Remember a Past Life? – Video

Here is episode 5 of my YouTube Series where I answer reader questions.

Please subscribe, comment and like the videos so I can continue to grow my channel.

In this episode, I answer the following questions:

  • Is my soul connected to my ancestors’ souls?
  • Can you incarnate with full memories of a past life?
  • What question are you asked most during a reading?
  • How can I express love and gratitude towards my guides?

If you missed the first four episodes, here are the links:

Episode 1: Do our pets hover after death?

Episode 2: How do I make sure I’m on the right path?

Episode 3: Can you tell when a celebrity will die?

Episode 4: Do Twin Flames Exist?

Thanks to everyone for watching! I appreciate it very much!

And feel free to submit your own question for a future video.

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