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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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Can My Mother Reincarnate as My Child? (Video)

Recently a reader sent me this question.  “I lost my mom a year ago and I still miss her dearly.  I am pregnant now with my first child.  Is it possible that my mother is reincarnating as my child?”

So can deceased loved ones come back as members of our family? Watch my newest video to find out!

Here are my most recent videos:

7 Ways to Determine if You’re an Old Soul

Choosing Your Parents Before you are Born

Do our pets hover after death?

How do I make sure I’m on the right path?

Can you tell when a celebrity will die?

Do twin flames exist?

Can you fully remember a past life?

Will you see your deceased loved ones again?

Solving murders as a psychic

Can Dead People See Us?

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