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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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6 Ways To Fall Asleep Quickly At Night

Does your mind suddenly kick into high gear when you lay down to sleep at night?  

Maybe you start analyzing a heated exchange you had with a co-worker.  Or you think about your dwindling bank balance.  Or you’re worried about your teenager and his new friends.

Your mind is going a mile a minute and you ruminate over things you can’t do anything about in that moment, preventing you from getting the rest you need to start your day fresh and with renewed energy.

Here are 6 ways to shift your mind to a place that will allow you to fall asleep faster.

Actively Think About a Pleasant Upcoming Event

Instead of thinking about the things that worry you, think about something you’re excited to do in the future. This could be something you’ve already got planned like a trip to Tahiti, or you’ve got concert tickets for your favorite singer, an upcoming wedding, dinner and drinks with the girls on Friday.  Whatever it is you’ve got planned, think about how exciting and wonderful it’s going to be.  Imagine yourself enjoying that event.

It could also be something you’d like to do.  For example, you’re thinking about buying a jacuzzi, or visiting your sister, or taking a cooking class.  Imagine how fun it would be and start planning it in your mind.

Think of a Fun Memory from Your Past

This is one of my favorite things to think about before I go to sleep.  I recall a really fun time I had in my past and relive it.  Sometimes I imagine telling the story to a new friend who hasn’t heard it before.  

I think of events that made me laugh.  I think of my first kiss.  I think about something funny one of my cats did.  This refocuses my mind on something pleasant, shutting off any ruminating thoughts I might sink into.

Program a Dream

Another way I focus my mind at night is to think about what I want to dream about.  You can program a dream in advance of going to sleep, which will increase your odds of having that dream.  The possibilities are endless.  My personal favorites are related to action and adventure usually with a paranormal twist or there are super powers.  It’s egregiously fun to shoot monsters with my eye lasers.

Make a Gratitude List

Another way I stay away from worry and anxiety before bed is to make a mental list of the things I’m grateful for in my life.  For fun I try not to repeat things I’ve recently thought of, because when you really get down into it, there are thousands of things to be grateful for.

The big things like family, friends, joy, and happiness are sort of obvious.  Sometimes it’s “I’m grateful the scissors were right where I needed them to be.”  Or “I’m grateful there was one more bagel in the bag because I was really craving one.” 

It’s good practice to be grateful for the small things because it conditions your mind to feel good all throughout the day.

Read Fiction Before Bed

I try to stop using my electronics at least an hour before bed, but I like to read, so I’ll grab a book and read for an hour before it’s time to go to sleep.  This puts me in perfect position to have a nice dream about the book’s content, or to just get my mind off any troubles.  I recently finished reading Fourth Wing and Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros and they were fabulous.

Make a To Do List

If anxiety and worry keep you up at night, try making a to do list for tomorrow.  Putting it all down on paper (or your phone) means you won’t forget it.  You can trust that the to do list is complete and you don’t have to try to remember anything.

Additionally, a to do list can be kind of freeing.  When I make a to do list I write down a very reasonable set of goals and when I’m done with them, I’m done working for the day.  Even if there’s still time to work, I can comfortably walk away from the list knowing that I did a solid day’s work and will do more the next day.

To do lists also help me prioritize the most important things so I’m not distracted by things that come up that aren’t urgent.  

Once my to do list is complete I can relax and this helps me fall asleep knowing that my future self will handle the load.

A good night’s sleep is worth putting in some effort.  Find the ways that work best for you and notice the ease at which you settle into slumber at night.

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