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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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Heading into 2025 Like a Boss!

The last two weeks of each year I spend planning my goals for the next year.  I like to refocus on what I desire to accomplish and evaluate how I did on the previous year’s goals. I have learned over the years not to set a ton of goals but to pick a goal in each of my main categories.  

For example:

Career goal 

Finally write the book about aliens that will probably get me killed by the government or recruited by a secret black op organization.

Relationship goals

Find someone who wants to watch and analyze all the Marvel movies/shows with me in great detail, and discuss how real the Matrix is.

Health Goals

Make a real and concerted effort to find the key that turns on my treadmill. I know it’s here somewhere.

Financial goals

Learn how to reprogram the matrix so stocks only go up in value.

I jest (mostly).  But in reality, it’s good to set some goals and then make an action plan to achieve those goals.

You can do it like I do which is to select one goal for each area of life that’s important to you, or you could choose perhaps 3 goals for the year that might overlap by category.  It’s totally up to you.

If you set too many goals you may end achieving none of them, so I recommend really thinking about what you want to accomplish before you set the goals. Make them achievable so you don’t get frustrated.

One way to determine your goals is to ask yourself this question:

If I could snap my fingers and have just one thing accomplished by the end of the year, what would it be? Then keep asking that question until you have your desired number of goals outlined.

Once you’ve got your goals worked out, come up with a realistic action plan to achieve them.  List the steps you’ll need to take, in order, to get them done.  Then make sure you carve out time in your schedule for those action steps.

Re-evaluate your goal situation at the end of each quarter and see if you need to pump more gas into those action steps to reach your goal by the end of the year.

You will be so glad you took the time to identify some goals and make a plan to achieve them.  And even if you don’t end up achieving the goal by the end of the year, you’ll at least have made some progress on the goal. Or you’ll realize it wasn’t that important to you, and you can choose a new goal.

Let’s head into 2025 with strength and purpose, and a safe house in case the government is looking for ya!  

If you want assistance with your goals, book a session with me and we’ll ask your spirit guides what they most want you to know to help you on your path.

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