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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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What Happens if Two Souls Want to Incarnate into the Same Family at the Same Time?

Question from a reader:

“What happens if different souls want to reincarnate into the same family? How is it decided which soul gets to go?”

If you’ve seen my video, Choosing Your Parents Before You are Born, you’ll know that we choose what family with whom we’d like to incarnate.

Many factors go into that decision.  For example, if your intention for incarnating is to help humanity with quantum physics, you might select parents who are physicists.  

If your intention is to assist in securing rights for a disenfranchised group of people you may choose parents who are in that demographic.  

Location, expediency, income level, environment, number of siblings already in the family, and expected adversity are all other factors that may impact your decision.

So let’s say you’ve made the decision and you’re ready to go.  What if there is another soul that wants to incarnate to that same family at the same time?

Do they play rock, paper, scissors?  Is it first-come, first-served?  Does Source make that decision?  Do mom or dad get a say?  

What happens is a negotiation between everyone’s higher selves.  Discussions are had.  Options are considered.  Decisions are made. Some ways the other side resolves the situation are:

Twins! The two souls may decide to incarnate together during the same pregnancy.  The dynamic of adding a second child to the family at the same time as the first child can change some of the parameters of incarnating, so the higher selves must make sure their intentions won’t be thrown completely off course by having two souls come simultaneously.

One soul incarnates first, and the other soul waits for another pregnancy.  This can be risky though because factors may change.  The family may decide not to add another child.  Or their life circumstances might change to the point where the second soul’s life intentions cannot be fulfilled with that family anymore.  

The second soul may switch to their back-up family.  A soul has many choices when it comes to picking its parents.  If they can’t get their first choice, they may choose another family because incarnating right at that time is very important to their life intention, and waiting is not an option.

A second soul may decide not to incarnate at all, waiting 20, 50, even 100 years for their next incarnation.  Some souls adopt the attitude of “Meh, I’ll take what will get me on Earth fastest!” and some souls don’t have a strong goal to incarnate but would if the conditions are right.

As you can see there’s a lot that goes into deciding your next incarnation.  Rest assured it’s all handled on the other side with experience and grace.  You will get where you need to go, or you will select a different life intention and find a family that’s more suited to that path.

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