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with Erin Pavlina

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How to Navigate Turbulent Times

How to Navigate Turbulent Times

As I write this article on Feb 16, 2025, I can tell you that things in America are very uncertain.  It’s like someone tossed a hundred toothpicks in the air and no one is sure where they’re going to land.  Some people are very excited by what they see happening while others are terrified of what’s coming down the road.

In my 18 years of doing intuitive readings, I’ve never had so many people book a reading specifically to ask what’s going to happen to their lives because of the political climate.

While I am able to give an individual person a reading about how their personal life will be affected by what’s happening, and how to best prepare for it, no two people will have the same plan.

So I wanted to write an article to help everyone navigate what’s coming.  This advice applies to everyone, no matter your political leanings, and no matter where you live in the world.

Analyze Your Situation

First you need to know where you stand right now.  Are you in danger of losing your livelihood?  Are you in danger of running out of money?  Are you in danger of being sent to another country?  Are you in danger of losing medical coverage?  Take stock of where you are right now.  Be honest with yourself about your situation.

Face The Storm

Don’t bury your head in the sand and hope the storm misses you.  Identify which areas of your life are most threatened by what you see coming.  Sandbag your life to prevent the flood from reaching you.

On a practical level this could mean downsizing your home to save money, picking up a side hustle and using that money as a buffer or to pay down debt, asking for a raise at work, training for a better paying job, cutting your expenses massively.

It could mean getting a legal situation worked out, preparing to move, preparing to go to court, handling warrants, completing a long-delayed divorce.

It could mean getting your health in order, getting a physical, changing your diet, strengthening your body, removing toxins from your environment.

Identify what could cause you to fall behind or trip you up and get it handled now before that storm hits you full in the face.

Brace For Impact

Once you’ve prepared for what may be coming, it’s time to brace for the impact of that storm slamming you right in the face.  Know exactly what you will do if you get fired, if you get arrested, if you lose medical coverage, if your living situation changes.

If the crap hits the fan, you will be ready with an action plan.  Don’t be caught with your pants down.  Know how you will plot a course through the asteroid field so you come out the other side a little dinged but not dead.

Sail With the Wind

Try to identify what’s good about what’s coming.  Change isn’t always bad.  In fact, you can count on some things changing for the good.  And if you know where the wind is blowing you can adjust your sails and get a huge boost of speed.

If you think AI is coming for your job, get on a career path that would survive AI.  Train for a job with higher security in the coming decades.

If you think digital currency is the wave of the future, educate yourself and be ready to jump in the saddle as that horse goes flying past you.

If you think you will lose your job consider early retirement or a change in career.

If you think your medical coverage is going to change, work on getting healthy or save more money to handle a medical crisis.

We can’t always know which way the wind is going to blow, but we can adjust our sails to capture as much of it as possible and ride it for as long as possible.  Instead of resisting change, you may be better off embracing it and working with it to better your and your family’s situation.

I can tell you that what’s coming will affect some people very positively and others somewhat negatively.  But you can move yourself onto a path that benefits you greatly.  You are not helpless, you have options, and if the worst happens, you can still recover.

Don’t hope that the storm will pass you by.  Gear up, save up, prepare, plan, and be ready to act no matter what’s coming down the pike.  That’s the power you wield.  That’s what’s in your control.

If you would like to ask your guides what you personally need to do to survive the coming changes, book a session with me and we’ll ask them. 

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