Sometimes a client will tell me their psychic abilities are on overdrive. They pick up on the energy of everyone around them, even when they don’t want to. Or they are bombarded in their dreams by every spirit that wants them to convey a message to a loved one.
Having psychic abilities is surely a gift, but it can be overwhelming sometimes. This can happen if you “stay open” all the time and don’t shut down a bit and set boundaries.
So let’s talk about how to prevent unwanted psychic communication so you can live a balanced intuitive life.
Mind Your Chakras
Your chakras are energy centers in your body that represent different areas of your life such as communication, self-confidence, intuition, and more. With regards to intuitive work, your chakras can expand or contract depending on how open you are to receiving energy and information from others. I use my chakras when preparing to do readings for clients by opening up the aperture to let the most “light” in, like you might do with a camera.
For readings, I expand my chakras out until they are pulsing about 12 inches from my body. So imagine a big ball of spinning light in each chakra and pump enough energy into it so that it expands outside your body. These expanded chakras act like antennae to amplify the signal from the other side.
Then, when I’m done doing readings for the day, I contract those balls of energy until they are tucked neatly in my body to about the size of a tennis ball or a golf ball. This prevents me from inadvertently picking up information from random people at the grocery store, mall, or a meeting.
My own guides know they can reach me anytime, no matter the state of my chakras, but contracting them prevents me from receiving information about other people when I don’t want to.
Hire a Bouncer
I have a conduit guide who helps me connect with my clients’ spirit guides during readings. I call him Bob, and he’s been with me since 2006. Bob’s job is to find the correct spirit guides, make an energetic connection between us, then he stands back so I can go to work. When I’m done doing readings for the day, Bob shuts down the conduits so no one can “tap me on the shoulder” during non-work hours. He then stands guard and gently but firmly tells other spirits to leave me alone until I’m ready to work again.
I do this because if you’re open all the time, and willing to receive communication from the other side all the time, it can really damage your health and mental well-being. If you’re a gifted intuitive you could literally have spirits, angelic energies, celestial beings, and deceased loved ones trying to get your attention at all hours of the day.
It’s nice of you to want to be a receptacle for communication from the other side, but you will deplete yourself and be of no use to anyone eventually.
Just like ICU nurses clock out from their intense shifts, you must clock out periodically or you could drive yourself to a breakdown.
The spirits will be there when you want them to be.
If you don’t have a conduit guide, you can simply ask your spirit guides to set you up with a bouncer guide who will perform this function for you.
Purposeful Connection
You don’t have to be a professional intuitive to consciously connect with the other side. It’s wonderful to connect to your own spirit guides, higher self, angelic energies and deceased loved ones anytime you desire. Just make it purposeful.
Set aside a time to open up, and set a time limit so you don’t get lost in there for too long. It’s up to you to decide how long you can hold the high vibration. For some people that’s 10 minutes and for others it’s an hour.
You can play some relaxation or meditation music, light some candles, burn some incense, run a fountain or the sounds of rain, whatever puts you in the right state to meditate. Get yourself to a nice high vibration before you engage in communication so that you don’t inadvertently attract a lower vibrational being.
When your meditation and connection are done, gently disengage from the ether and come back to yourself, refreshed and ready to continue your day, or ready to slip into sleep if you do this before bed.
Disconnecting Emergently
If you haven’t yet mastered blocking unwanted communication from the other side, you may one day find yourself in a situation where an aggressive spirit or entity pushes their energy onto you and doesn’t want to let go.
Depending on the entity, this can become a real emergency and must be handled quickly. You must sever the connection between you and the energy. If it feels negative, it’s best not to mess around trying to figure out exactly what it is and what it wants. Instead, disconnect.
You can do this in a number of ways.
Firmly tell the entity to leave you alone. Sometimes a strong verbal command is enough.
Ground yourself immediately so you’re not a vibrational match for its energy. You can do this by playing rock music, taking off your shoes and walking on grass, sand, or dirt. Do something very physical such as jogging, some jumping jacks, or push-ups. Sometimes intuitive put a hat on over their crown chakra. Eat. Just doing an activity that fully engages your physical body can be enough.
Ask for help from your own spirit guides, angels or conduit guide to escort the negative energy back where it belongs.
Turn off your clairs; don’t see, listen, feel or know an energy is present. Metaphorically cover your ears and say “Lalalalala, I can’t hear you, lalalala.”
In summary, it’s important that you control the flow of intuitive communication for your own health and well-being. I have seen people become too open, to the point where they lose touch with reality, or end up with a negative entity attachment. You don’t want that kind of mess in your life.