Are Guides Ever Surprised By What You Do?
A reader asked me this question: “Do my guides know what I’m going to do before I do it? Can they see things that are
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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina
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Are Guides Ever Surprised By What You Do?
A reader asked me this question: “Do my guides know what I’m going to do before I do it? Can they see things that are
Should You Consult a Psychic for Medical Advice?
Since 2006 I’ve been reading for people all over the world. As an intuitive counselor, my specialty is helping people determine what to do next
Quick Answers to Quick Questions – Volume 6
If you’ve been reading my blog for a while you’ll know that I sometimes do a quick Q&A because people send me questions all the
I received a question from a reader the other day. She and her husband had been trying to have a baby for years and were
Could your deceased mother come back as your newborn son?
People ask me often if their child could possibly be the reincarnation of a deceased loved one. In fact a lot of people take great
How do you know if a sign is actually a sign?
I’ve written several articles about signs, signals, and synchronicities that your spirit guides send you to help guide you on your path. The analogy I
Is There Such a Thing as Family Karma?
During readings I’ve had many clients ask me about family karma. They think they are “cursed” because someone in their family tree did something horrible
Why Do Deceased People Go To Some Members of a Family But Not Others?
I get asked this question often during readings and via email. “My husband passed away and I have been trying really hard to get a
During readings with my clients, many of them ask me if their loved one’s death was predetermined. Does God decide in advance when a person
Are the Outcomes of Elections Predestined?
I’m writing this article on November 7, the day before the 2016 Presidential Election. For the last several months people have asked me who is
Quick Answers to Quick Questions – Volume 5
I haven’t done one of these in a few years, but they are fun. I get a lot of emails with a lot of questions.
Does Everyone Have a Guardian Angel?
Angels are celestial beings that vibrate at a really high frequency. They stand as guardians between Creation and Source. They help to keep the balance.
What Does it Mean Energetically When Someone Cheats?
Someone asked me recently to discuss what it means spiritually and energetically when someone cheats in a relationship. When I do readings, I often am
Wisdom From the Other Side: Does it matter where you live?
A lot of my reading clients ask me if they should move to another city in order to have greater success on their path. From
The Dead Zone: How do I get a message to my deceased loved one?
One of the top questions people have asked me over the years is how to communicate with their deceased loved ones (DLO’s for short). How
Unlock the wisdom of your spirit guides and discover the guidance you’ve been missing.
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