Can real people appear in your dreams?
Dream characters are typically constructs of your subconscious. Rarely, you may encounter higher beings or share dreams with others.
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with Erin Pavlina
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Can real people appear in your dreams?
Dream characters are typically constructs of your subconscious. Rarely, you may encounter higher beings or share dreams with others.
How do you know if a spirit is at rest?
Question: Is there any way to know if a spirit is at rest? Say for example if my friend committed suicide, how would I know
How do you prevent unwanted communication from the other side?
Are you psychically gifted but receiving too much information, all the time? How do you control the flow of information during the course of a
Question: Erin, do you still astral project a lot like you did when you were a teenager? If so, what do you do when you’re
Do dreams of death mean I am going to die?
Dreams of death aren’t premonitions. Take them with a grain of salt; focus on the present.
I’m afraid to see ghosts standing over my bed. What can I do?
Question: I’m afraid to open up my psychic abilities because I don’t want to see scary spirits or ghosts standing over my bed in the
Can we meet celebrities on the other side?
Question: Can we meet celebrities on the other side? Answer: More than one person has asked me this question recently, and in light of the
Quick Answers to Quick Questions Part 3
Once again I’m clearing out my Ask Erin inbox. I get a lot of questions that I can answer with a short response so they
Who greets us on the other side?
Question: Who greets you on the other side when you cross over? Will I see just family members or will I also see friends? Will
Can you read for me and my wife together?
Question: Can my wife and I get a couples’ reading for the same price as a 30 minute reading? Answer: I get this question periodically
Question: I came across an article about spirit guides, which says that some people have negative spirit guides, who misguide them, and there are some
Why hasn’t my deceased boyfriend contacted me?
Question: My boyfriend died in an accident 2 months ago. His mom had a dream that he came to her and told her he was
How do I know if I’m really talking to my higher self or something else?
Question: I’m enjoying your blog and learning how to channel my higher self, but how do I know if I’m really in contact with my
Have you ever foreseen your sitter’s death in a reading?
Question: Have you ever given a reading and learned that the person was going to die soon? If that happened, would you tell the person?
Do dead people know what I’m thinking?
Question: Can those on the other side read my mind? Do they know what I’m thinking and planning? When I talk to my deceased parents,
Unlock the wisdom of your spirit guides and discover the guidance you’ve been missing.
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