Isn’t there a less painful way to learn spiritual lessons?
Question: Why do our spirit guides feel the need to drop us on our asses so painfully in order to teach us the error of
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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina
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Isn’t there a less painful way to learn spiritual lessons?
Question: Why do our spirit guides feel the need to drop us on our asses so painfully in order to teach us the error of
Quick Answers to Quick Questions Part 2
Last year, to clear my Ask Erin inbox, I decided to post a bunch of quick answers to quick questions. I’m going to do that
Question: I know you’ve previously stated that a reincarnated soul chooses their own parents, but do you (as a soul) ever get to choose the
Should I buy a reading with you as a gift for someone?
Question: I’ve really enjoyed the readings you’ve done for me, and I really want my mom to have a reading with you. Do you think
Does the energy of your sitter affect the intuitive reading?
Question: Are you able to read for everyone no matter what state of mind they are in? Or is it harder to read for people
Can I contact a deceased relative on my own?
Question: I would like to be able to talk with my deceased mother. How do I do that, and how do I know if it’s real?
Do spirit guides arrange relationships?
Question: Do my spirit guides select a person for me to fall in love with? If so, do they have to get some type of
How do you recover after an emotional setback?
Question: How do you raise your energy when you’ve been stepped on and emotionally trounced by another person, and your self esteem is so low
How do I protect myself and my room when I astral project?
Question: I have read that when you astral project you protect your room so that low vibrational negative beings can’t get in. Can you tell
Have you ever had contact with a deceased celebrity?
Question: Have you ever channeled a deceased celebrity like Elvis or Marilyn Monroe? If so, what did they tell you? Answer: Isn’t Elvis still alive?
Are guides always wiser than us?
Question: Do you feel most of your guides are at the same vibrational level to you or of a higher vibration? I ask because I
Is it cheating if I get a psychic reading?
Question: Isn’t consulting a psychic sort of cheating? Aren’t we supposed to learn our lessons on our own? Isn’t getting a reading like getting the
Question: What has to happen for me never to incarnate again? Do I have to achieve some sort of perfection? Who or what decides if
How do you open and close chakras?
Question: How do you open your chakras, how do you close them, and under what circumstances should you do either? Answer: In my blog entry
Do deceased family members know when someone is going to die?
Question: Do deceased family members know when someone is about to die? Or is their energy so different that they are not connected to them
Unlock the wisdom of your spirit guides and discover the guidance you’ve been missing.
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