Can psychics read people without permission?
Question: Can a psychic tune in to my spirit guides and get information about me that I don’t want them to know? Can they read
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with Erin Pavlina
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Can psychics read people without permission?
Question: Can a psychic tune in to my spirit guides and get information about me that I don’t want them to know? Can they read
Question: Do you believe in possession, like in the movie The Exorcist or The Exorcism of Emily Rose? I am so worried that that could
Are Women More Psychic Than Men?
Question: Are women more psychic than men, and if so why? Answer: No, women are not more psychic than men. The playing field is level
Does sleep paralysis lead to astral projection?
Question: You’ve mentioned before that during sleep paralysis is a good time to astral project. Can you explain how to do that? Answer: Sleep paralysis
Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?
Question: My friend was murdered by her husband. She had two children. Why would God allow this to happen to such a good woman? I
Are drugs a good way to achieve spiritual experiences?
Question: I like to occasionally take a psychedelic drug to induce a spiritual experience. While under the influence of various drugs I’ve had the most
Is there any way to bring a dream back?
Question: The other night I dreamed that my deceased grandfather came to me and we had an intriguing conversation. But when I woke up I
Ask Erin: Quick Answers to Quick Questions
Today I thought it would be fun, and quite productive, if I went back and answered a few dozen of the questions people have submitted
Can Dead People Negatively Affect Your Life?
Question: If someone was jealous or angry in life and now they are dead, can they harm the living or cause them trouble in any
Why do you charge for readings?
Question: It seems that a lot of people wanting intuitive information or clairvoyant information are at a point when they really need direction. We don’t
Is there any benefit to praying?
Question: I know you are not religious so you probably find the idea of praying to God sort of ridiculous. Is there any benefit at
Can you tell me who my spirit guides are?
Question: I want to know who my spirit guides are. During our reading will you be able to tell me their names? Answer: Ever since
What is the spiritual meaning behind mass suffering?
Question: What is the spiritual meaning behind a mass number of people enduring the same type of suffering, i.e. slavery or oppression? Answer: The simple
Q&A on the Dead and the Afterlife
Recently on the forums a couple of people asked a bunch of really good questions about the dead, the afterlife, reincarnation and the reasons to
Are dreams about deceased loved ones real?
The other night I had a really vivid dream about my deceased grandfather. He told me all kinds of interesting things and it felt so real. Was it really his spirit talking to me or just a dream? How can I tell the difference?
Unlock the wisdom of your spirit guides and discover the guidance you’ve been missing.
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