Did I choose to be disabled before I incarnated?
Question: You mention in your blog entry, Picking Our Parents and Life Circumstances, that people choose the circumstances of their life. I was born deaf.
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with Erin Pavlina
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Did I choose to be disabled before I incarnated?
Question: You mention in your blog entry, Picking Our Parents and Life Circumstances, that people choose the circumstances of their life. I was born deaf.
Question: Is there really such a thing as soul mates? Is there one specific person I’m supposed to marry in this life time? If so,
How do we know if we should believe what we read?
Question: You’ve touched on how we can’t live fully just by knowledge, or more specifically books, alone. I agree. However, I’m very much a bookworm
Do our habits here affect our higher selves?
Question: If every person has a “higher-self” then are we, as a race, just physical manifestations of our higher-selves’ energy? If a person is violent,
Can You Use Law of Attraction to Attract a Specific Person Into Your Life?
I frequently receive emails from people who want to attract specific people into their lives. Recently, someone wrote to me wanting to attract an ex-boyfriend
What are the metaphors like during your readings?
Question: In your psychic readings you mention that your guides start you off with a metaphor. Can you give me an example of one? And
Was Hitler’s life pre-planned?
Question: Can it be that it’s “designed” for a person to be “evil” in this world? I.e. could it be that for example Hitler’s life
Do you see animals on the other side?
Question: I recently had to put my animal companion down. She was suffering for years. Is she on the other side? Does she have a
How often and in what way should I meditate?
Question: How often and for how long should I meditate for maximum benefit? Answer: There is no right or wrong answer here. People meditate for
Reincarnation and Population Growth
Question: What do you make of the fact that the planet’s population is growing? Reincarnation implies that it should be stable, right? Answer: Not at
Does Hell Exist? Does Satan Exist?
I get asked these two questions a lot. I’ve never been to Hell, never heard a dead person speak of it, nor have I ever
What do you think of psychics who use tarot cards?
Question: What do you think of psychics who use tarot cards? Answer: I’ve received variations on this question a lot. Here is my honest answer.
Do you ever read for strangers when you’re out and about?
Question: Have you ever been out like shopping or out to dinner and gotten a psychic message for someone? If so, do you go up
Why do different psychics give you different information?
Question: Why is it that every psychic tends to tell us different things (past and present) and their timeline predictions are all different? Shouldn’t two psychics
Have you considered helping the police with your psychic abilities?
Question: Have you ever used your psychic abilities to help police solve crimes? Is that something you’d like to do? Do you think you could
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