Are People Who Had Mental or Emotional Illnesses Okay When They Reach the Other Side?
Do we carry mental, physical, emotional and spiritual ailments to the other side when we die? Here’s what you need to know.
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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina
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Are People Who Had Mental or Emotional Illnesses Okay When They Reach the Other Side?
Do we carry mental, physical, emotional and spiritual ailments to the other side when we die? Here’s what you need to know.
Pennies, Feathers, and Butterflies: Are they really signs from beyond?
Do our deceased loved ones actually have the ability to put objects in our path to let us know they are around?
But Would You Waste a Wish on It?
I was doing a reading for a client the other day and her question for her guides went something like this, “How can I get revenge on my ex for leaving me?”
This Is How You’re Going to Feel About Your Life After You’re Dead
One of the top questions I receive from readers is this, “Will I have to come back to Earth after I’m dead?”
Why Doesn’t God Just Destroy All the Demons?
Someone asked me the other day why God doesn’t just destroy all the demons and astral entities so they don’t bother us anymore. Here’s why…
What does it mean if you think about a friend and then they call?
Have you ever thought about a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while and suddenly they call? This is what it means…
The other day someone asked me if I am intuitive all the time or if I have to consciously tune in to my guides if I want to receive intuitive messages.
Do Families Stay Together on the Other Side?
When I was in my teenage years I started having dreams of getting together with all of my deceased relatives and having a family dinner.
Here are answers to the most frequently asked questions at ErinPavlina.com. Is your question on the list?
“Is it true that we each have a spirit animal? If so, how do I determine what my spirit animal is? Can it change over time?” – Charles
Do Souls Choose to Incarnate into Damaged Bodies?
“Why would a soul choose to incarnate into a body that is not fully intact? Are these souls being punished for something they did in a previous life?”
“What happens when we pray? Is there any point to prayer? Or should we reach out to our spirit guides?”
There Is No Marriage in Heaven
“My husband abused me in our marriage for 47 years, and then he died. When I die, do I really have to spend eternity with him?” Read Erin’s answer…
Can the Dead Help Us From the Other Side?
“I lost my mom a few weeks ago and I want to know if she is going to be able to help me from the other side? Like will she help me get a good job and find a good partner? Or is she not allowed to do that?” – Mila
Is There Such a Thing as Karmic Debt?
Question: “I have some really bad health problems I just can’t seem to get past. Is all of this happening because I was bad in a past life and now I’m being punished? Am I paying off karmic debt?”
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