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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina

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Category: Ask Erin

Reconciling Religious Beliefs with Spirituality

I got an email recently from a concerned fellow. He wrote: “Erin, I’ve been reading your articles for quite some time and a lot of what you say about the afterlife makes sense to me, but some of what you write goes against the Bible. My religion teaches me that I must reject you and your teachings as heretical. I am conflicted, because my heart tells me you are correct but my religion teaches me that you are wrong. I do not know what to believe. Can you help me?”

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Can You Get Advice From Deceased Celebrities?

“Let’s say you are a budding young musician and you’d like to get guidance or advice from Elvis or David Bowie. Is it possible to tune into them and get that guidance or would they totally ignore you and be uninterested in helping you?” – Daphne

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Do all souls incarnate?

“I know that I chose to incarnate here on Earth, but is it possible that some souls are created but choose never to incarnate? What do those souls do if they don’t incarnate? Do they just hang out in the ether?”

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Do we have free will on the other side?

“I have often wondered, do we still have free will in the ether? Do choices still have consequences in the after-life? Or is it somehow different? Since I imagine time and space have different meaning there, maybe we just can’t know?”

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Do Animals See Our Deceased Loved Ones?

“After my husband died, our dog started behaving a little strangely. It’s like he sees someone or something in the corner and will go examine it. Is it possible he’s seeing my deceased husband? If so, is there any way I can see him too or know he’s there?”

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