What Does a Ghost Need with Blue Jeans?
Recently I was settling into my bed to sleep. A few minutes later I heard a noise by my door and opened my eyes to see what it was. It was a ghost!
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with Erin Pavlina
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What Does a Ghost Need with Blue Jeans?
Recently I was settling into my bed to sleep. A few minutes later I heard a noise by my door and opened my eyes to see what it was. It was a ghost!
A reader emailed me recently to ask if I thought that remote viewing was a legitimate psychic skill. For those not familiar with remote viewing, it is the ability to psychically see locations, people, and objects at a distance.
Who Protects Us From Low Vibration Astral Entities?
“If low vibration astral entities exist, why don’t they attack people constantly? Is there a being or a group of beings out there protecting us
Can a medium speak to a person in a coma?
One day I was doing a reading for a client whose father was in a coma. He wanted to know if he should take his
Erin Pavlina Interview with Anna Sayce
About 10 years ago I did a reading for a young woman, and her guides told her she would become a professional intuitive. At the
Lucid dreaming lets you control your dreams—use these simple techniques to master it.
Dreams of Astral Projection are Not Astral Projection
Discover the differences between astral projection and lucid dreaming. Learn how to recognize true astral experiences.
Video: Astral Projection Interview with Erin Pavlina
In this video, Will Evertsen asks me some questions about astral projection. Check it out! If you’d like to learn more about astral projection, check
The Best Articles Related to… Astral Projection
The best articles related to astral projection on ErinPavlina.com
Interview Erin: Questions by Ryan Getz
These interview questions were submitted by Ryan Getz. What happens the second we die? Do we immediately try to cross over? What is the transition
Paranormal Experience: Leaving the Body
This paranormal experience was submitted by Gene: I most definitely knew that I had left my body! This would be the first and, unfortunately, only
Paranormal Experience: Ignoring the Astral Entity
This paranormal experience was submitted by Kyle: It happened about 6 months ago, in the middle of the night in my bedroom while I was
Does the Movie Insidious Accurately Depict Astral Projection?
In 2010 the movie, Insidious, was released in theatres and my inbox exploded with thousands of people asking me whether the events in the movie
Astral Encounter: Visiting a Nearby Friend
One of the best times of night to attempt lucid dreaming or astral projection is after you wake up in the middle of the night,
Near Death Experiences That Take Place in Hell
There has been an explosion of books and stories written about people who are having near death experiences. In most cases, the stories are quite
Unlock the wisdom of your spirit guides and discover the guidance you’ve been missing.
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