Can Deceased Loved Ones Send You Gifts or Miracles?
Periodically people tell me that they are so thankful to their deceased loved ones for sending them blessings. But is that even possible?
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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina
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Can Deceased Loved Ones Send You Gifts or Miracles?
Periodically people tell me that they are so thankful to their deceased loved ones for sending them blessings. But is that even possible?
Life Isn’t Always a Mountain You Must Climb
What if the reason you incarnated has nothing to do with getting to the top of the mountain?
How to Pivot When Your Passion Has Petered Out
If your passion has petered out, this is how you can pivot your path to something else.
How Do You Want Your Story to End?
Do you ever wonder how you’re going to feel about your life when it comes to an end? Will you be happy with the life you led? Will you have regrets?
Many of us are sitting in cages with the door wide open. Learn how to get out of that cage.
Is Your Life Purpose Tied to Your Career?
One of the most frequent questions people ask me during readings is “What is my life purpose? What career am I supposed to have?”
Now Might be the Time to Consider a Career Change
A lot of the readings I’m doing during this pandemic are related to career path and financial security.
How to Transition to a More Exciting Career
Find out how to transition to a career path that’s super exciting for you! It’s not as hard as you think.
Why Don’t Psychics Have Perfect Lives?
The other day my sister and I were chatting and she mentioned that some of her friends just don’t understand the “psychic thing.”
Why Do Spiritual People Charge for their Services?
Should intuitives and channelers of spiritual wisdom even be charging for their services?
Who Should You Reach Out to On the Other Side?
Do you pray to God for special favors? Do you ask your dead relatives for lottery numbers? If so, you’re doing it all wrong. This is what you need to know.
Using Your Intuition Can Save You Time and Money
In a recent reading my client asked me if he should do an MBA program or just head out into the work force. This is what his guides told him.
When I was a teenager I started delving deeply into spirituality. It was the 1980’s, the height of the new age movement. Shirley Maclaine was my hero
How to Determine Why You Incarnated
One of the most frequently asked questions when I do readings for clients is “Why did I come here? What is my life purpose? Why
5 Decisions That Can Ruin Your Life
As an intuitive counselor, I’ve done readings for thousands of people, all of whom desire to shift their lives onto a new path that will
Unlock the wisdom of your spirit guides and discover the guidance you’ve been missing.
Click here to book a reading