Do We Repeat Mistakes from One Lifetime to the Next? (Video)
Are we doomed to repeat the mistakes of this life in our next one? Explore the concept with Erin Pavlina.
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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina
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Do We Repeat Mistakes from One Lifetime to the Next? (Video)
Are we doomed to repeat the mistakes of this life in our next one? Explore the concept with Erin Pavlina.
Can a psychic predict when the world will end? Here’s what we know…
What Does the Other Side Look Like? (Video)
Exploring the Other Side: Perception, Illusion, and Limitless Experiences beyond Reality.
Reconnecting with Deceased Loved Ones
Dive into profound insights on the afterlife journey and reconnecting with loved ones beyond.
Can a Deceased Loved One Visit You in a Dream if They’ve Already Reincarnated?
What’s the deal with contact if a soul reincarnates?
Are Some Souls More Evolved Than Others?
Are there levels or stages to a soul’s evolution? Find out in this article.
Crossing Over with Cognitive Impairment
If you have dementia when you die, do you have it on the other side?
Can Dead People See Us? (Video)
Can dead people see us doing everything? Tune in to this episode to find out!
Do You Know When a Celebrity is About to Die? – Video
Is this episode we’ll talk about whether I can see when a celebrity will pass.
Do Our Pets Hover After Death? – Video
Tune in to the first episode of Erin Pavlina’s Ask Me Anything Series on YouTube.
How Detailed is Your Life Review?
During a life review you see all the events that had a major impact on your trajectory.
The Afterlife with Leslie Jordan
My visit with Leslie Jordan in the afterlife was delightful!
What Happens to Energetic Cords after Death?
Do you maintain your connections to those who have crossed over?
Survey Results: Do You Believe in…?
The results of the survey are in! Check them out here.
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