One day when I was 16, I went horseback riding with my sister, Nicole, and my friend Adrienne. The place where we rented the horses
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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina
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One day when I was 16, I went horseback riding with my sister, Nicole, and my friend Adrienne. The place where we rented the horses
Paranormal Experience: Helping a Spirit Cross Over
This paranormal experience was submitted by Jim at A few weeks back I had a client in France who had been experiencing a very
A lot of personal development experts will tell you that if you’re experiencing problems in your life it’s because you’re a vibrational match for those
Someone asked me the other day why God created demons. He wanted to know why God, who is all about Love and Light, would create
Paranormal Experience: Mattie Says Hi!
This paranormal experience was submitted by David: Mom had been in the hospital for about a week when I got a call from my sister,
Paranormal Experience: Ignoring the Astral Entity
This paranormal experience was submitted by Kyle: It happened about 6 months ago, in the middle of the night in my bedroom while I was
6 Ways Guides Try to Get Your Attention
Up in the ether on another plane of existence are a small group of conscious energies trying to help you navigate the maze of your
Can a psychic predict a pregnancy?
Is it possible for a psychic to accurately predict whether you will have a child and when it will be born? Many of my clients
Stop Saying You Aren’t Psychic, Because You Are
Psychic abilities are not super powers. They are inherent abilities you are born with. You just may not realize you have them. When you say
Soulmates, Predictions, and Fear Oh My!
Soul mates aren’t predetermined; empower yourself to attract what you seek, not fear predictions.
Can you actually see dead people?
In the movie, The Sixth Sense, the little boy says the now-famous line, “I see dead people.” And in the movie he would see them
Keeping in Touch With Deceased Clients
Someone asked me on my Facebook wall whether I keep in touch with clients who have died since we had a connection while on Earth.
Someone asked me on my Facebook wall how I became so good at being a professional intuitive. She asked if it was just practice or
Unlock the wisdom of your spirit guides and discover the guidance you’ve been missing.
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