Can Deceased Loved Ones Send You Gifts or Miracles?
Periodically people tell me that they are so thankful to their deceased loved ones for sending them blessings. But is that even possible?
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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina
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Can Deceased Loved Ones Send You Gifts or Miracles?
Periodically people tell me that they are so thankful to their deceased loved ones for sending them blessings. But is that even possible?
What Do the Guides Think of Unrequited Love?
What does it mean if you love someone, but they do not love you back?
This One Thing Can Kill Your Relationship
Discover why demanding change in relationships can lead to resentment and break-ups. Embrace acceptance for a healthier partnership dynamic.
Do we incarnate with a pre-determined soul mate who will be our sole partner in life, or is there no such thing as soul mates? Or maybe there is something in between?
The One Thing That Determines Relationship Success
Love is not enough; compatibility is key for a lasting relationship. Align lifestyles before committing to a relationship.
I’ve Learned to Smile with My Eyes
It’s November 2020 and the world is still fighting the Corona Virus pandemic. Wearing a mask everywhere I go feels normal now, though sometimes I still feel like I can’t breathe.
Many of us are sitting in cages with the door wide open. Learn how to get out of that cage.
Don’t Ignore This Warning from the Guides
Read the cautionary tale of Lena and how she escaped an online predator.
How To Find and Identify Your Soul Family
Learn how to identify and recognize members of your soul family.
The Surprising Truth About Who Your Ancestors Really Are
Your ancestors probably aren’t who you think they are.
A Letter to the Living from the Dearly Departed
Dear Family, my passing was more peaceful than it looked. What you saw isn’t what I felt.
Why Don’t Psychics Have Perfect Lives?
The other day my sister and I were chatting and she mentioned that some of her friends just don’t understand the “psychic thing.”
Do Families Stay Together on the Other Side?
When I was in my teenage years I started having dreams of getting together with all of my deceased relatives and having a family dinner.
There Is No Marriage in Heaven
“My husband abused me in our marriage for 47 years, and then he died. When I die, do I really have to spend eternity with him?” Read Erin’s answer…
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