Is the Other Side Concerned About What’s Happening on Earth?
Does the other side have a comment about where humanity is headed?
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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina
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Is the Other Side Concerned About What’s Happening on Earth?
Does the other side have a comment about where humanity is headed?
Leading a Life of Quiet Desperation
While I was in college, I developed a serious case of panic disorder. Every time I would walk into my classroom my body would start to shake, my thoughts would race, and I felt a strong need to flee.
What’s so Bad About Feeling Angry Anyway?
Why is it so important to find an internal cause for our anger? Why can’t we just feel angry?
The other day I walked out of my house into a cold, windy storm to check the mail.
The results of the happiness survey are in. How do you compare to the average person in your age group?
How Happy Are You? Take The Survey
Take this survey and let’s see how happy everyone is at various ages and in various categories.
Russia is invading Ukraine. Many readers have asked me why God doesn’t just end the war. This is why…
Do My Deceased Loved Ones Know How I Really Felt About Them?
Do dead people know how you really felt about them once they cross over?
Can You Send Healing Energy to Another Person?
Find out how to best send healing energy to someone you love.
The dream I had the other night affected my waking life profoundly. Has this happened to you?
Can Deceased Loved Ones Send You Gifts or Miracles?
Periodically people tell me that they are so thankful to their deceased loved ones for sending them blessings. But is that even possible?
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