Before you leave this life, will you accomplish everything you wanted to?
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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina
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Before you leave this life, will you accomplish everything you wanted to?
Being Positive Isn’t Strong Enough to Get You to Your Goals
Being positive is an important part of achieving your goals, but there’s one thing more powerful than a positive attitude.
This one is for the lightworkers who came to Earth to be beacons, to show compassion, and to love humanity.
Survey Results from “Is Suicide Something Everyone Considers?”
Here are the survey results from “Is Suicide Something Everyone Considers?”
Do you believe in karmic debt? Are you paying today for something you did in a former life?
What is Source? Where does Source come from? What came before Source and what created reality?
Has someone ever said something so cruel to you that it altered your trajectory in life?
Heading into 2021: A Message from the Other Side
Our guides have a message for us regarding 2021.
How can we evolve humanity to create a better planet for everyone?
I asked my readers to tell me the meaning of life. This is what I learned…
I’ve Learned to Smile with My Eyes
It’s November 2020 and the world is still fighting the Corona Virus pandemic. Wearing a mask everywhere I go feels normal now, though sometimes I still feel like I can’t breathe.
God looked around the conference table and took a sip of his Intergalactic nectar, waiting for the meeting to begin.
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