How To Know If You’re a Lightworker
The 7 characteristics of a lightworker. Are you one of them?
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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina
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How To Know If You’re a Lightworker
The 7 characteristics of a lightworker. Are you one of them?
A Letter to the Living from the Dearly Departed
Dear Family, my passing was more peaceful than it looked. What you saw isn’t what I felt.
From the Ask Erin mailbag comes this question from Mia: “I know you say God is in all of us, that we are a part of God. I’m confused. Does this mean we are a part of God like we are his children or are we actually God?
A common question I get during readings is, “Am I just here to suffer? Did I do something in a previous life to deserve this suffering? Is it just my karma?”
Do Murderers Have Spirit Guides?
Do murderers have spirit guides? What do those guides do while someone is committing atrocities on other people? Read on…
How Your Spirit Guides Are Trying to Help You During the Corona Virus Pandemic
Your spirit guides are broadcasting information to you right now to keep you safe from Corona Virus. This is how you can receive that information.
How Our Deceased Loved Ones are Helping Humanity During the Corona Virus Pandemic
Last night I was doing a meditation before going to sleep. Suddenly my deceased mother appeared to me in my bedroom and said, “Tune in, Erin. You’ve got to see this.”
Corona Virus: What You See is What You Get
When it comes to the Corona Virus pandemic, what you see is what you get.
Is there a Spiritual Cause for the Corona Virus?
Many readers have asked me of the spiritual reasons we are battling Corona Virus. Here are the answers to the most common questions people have asked me.
7 Ways to Make Your Life Worth Living
If you’ve ever thought to yourself that your life wasn’t worth living and you’ve considered suicide, I invite you to read this article which may help you see options you couldn’t see before.
A New Year’s Message from the Other Side
Today I’m channeling a 2020 New Year’s message from the Ascended Masters. This is what they most want us to know.
Today I want to share links to a few inspirational articles I’ve written over the years in the hopes that it will brighten your day and lift your spirits.
Who Should You Reach Out to On the Other Side?
Do you pray to God for special favors? Do you ask your dead relatives for lottery numbers? If so, you’re doing it all wrong. This is what you need to know.
Have you ever wondered why you have a strong bond with some people on Earth? Have you ever met someone and instantly felt like you’ve known them forever?
“May I pray for you?” the doctor asked me. No doctor had ever asked me that. I was curious what would happen if I said yes.
Unlock the wisdom of your spirit guides and discover the guidance you’ve been missing.
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