7 Ways To Hang On When You’re at the End of Your Rope
A lot of the clients I read for are right at the end of their rope. They’ve lost all hope of having a great and
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with Erin Pavlina
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7 Ways To Hang On When You’re at the End of Your Rope
A lot of the clients I read for are right at the end of their rope. They’ve lost all hope of having a great and
Does the Other Side Care About What Happens On Earth?
Someone emailed me the other day with this question, “I can’t believe Donald Trump won the presidency of the United States. Doesn’t the other side
The Danger of Believing God Will Save You
There are a lot of people on the planet right now who carry an extremely strong and fervent belief that God is completely in control
A woman emailed me the other day, “I absolutely love my life, Erin. I am happily married, I’ve got a good income, I’m close to
Why Having No Destiny Is the Best Thing Ever
I was doing a reading for a gal from India. She was 53 years old and she had never had a boyfriend, never been married,
The Soul Connection Between Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds
When I heard Carrie Fisher had had a heart attack on an airplane I was worried. I know that it’s difficult to survive a heart
Examining Your Life: Are You Having Fun?
From the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep at night, my life is filled with urgent and important activities. I
How To Pray So God Will Answer
When I was a little girl I can recall that when I was struggling with life I would immediately pray to God. Mind you, I
I laid down to sleep the other night and a strange combination of sensations came over me. I wasn’t expecting these two to come together.
What To Do When the World Isn’t Functioning the Way You Want It To
You’re born into a corporeal body. It takes years to adjust to it enough to be able to walk, talk, eat, and play. You grow
Are the Outcomes of Elections Predestined?
I’m writing this article on November 7, the day before the 2016 Presidential Election. For the last several months people have asked me who is
The other day I was walking into Walgreen’s and I saw a young man (maybe 18 or 19 years old) sitting huddled up against the
I’ve been working with some younger clients who are suffering from depression, low self-esteem, poor body image, and feelings of inadequacy. Boys and girls alike.
When I wrote my recent blog article, The Truth About the Fight Between Good and Evil I got a lot of responses. Some people loved
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