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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina
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Here are answers to the most frequently asked questions at ErinPavlina.com. Is your question on the list?
He showed me something he’s doing on the other side that I have never seen before, and I felt it was worth sharing.
I receive a lot of emails from readers who are very worried about what’s going to happen to their immortal soul when they die.
“Is it true that we each have a spirit animal? If so, how do I determine what my spirit animal is? Can it change over time?” – Charles
“Will we really see our loved ones again when we die or is this just a throw away notion that all mediums say to soften our grief?” – Rose
“Why would a soul choose to incarnate into a body that is not fully intact? Are these souls being punished for something they did in a previous life?”
Right after a loved one dies, it’s very normal to wonder if they “made it” to the other side, if they are okay, and if they have any messages for those they left behind.
In my best Jeff Foxworthy voice: If you find yourself stuck to a wall or the ceiling unable to move, you might have a paranormal problem.
Whether you are a novice or an experienced astral traveler, the Astral Projection Guidebook will teach you how to safely and effectively master astral projection.