Can You Astral Project Through People?
Astral projection author, Erin Pavlina, explains if it is safe to fly through people while astral.
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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina
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Can You Astral Project Through People?
Astral projection author, Erin Pavlina, explains if it is safe to fly through people while astral.
Is There a Sure Shot Way to Astral Project?
Learn the best ways to astral project as soon as possible.
Survey Results: Do You Believe in…?
The results of the survey are in! Check them out here.
Astral Projection: Quick Answers to Quick Questions
This article contains answers to commonly asked questions about astral projection.
Why Do I Get Derailed When I Astral Project?
These are the factors that can prevent you from reaching your destination when you astral project.
How Do You Know Astral Projection is Real and Not Just a Dream?
Astral projection and dreaming are often confused. This is what you need to know.
Lucid dreaming lets you control your dreams—use these simple techniques to master it.
Does the Movie Insidious Accurately Depict Astral Projection?
In 2010 the movie, Insidious, was released in theatres and my inbox exploded with thousands of people asking me whether the events in the movie
Astral Encounter: Visiting a Nearby Friend
One of the best times of night to attempt lucid dreaming or astral projection is after you wake up in the middle of the night,
News and Announcements – July 2013
There’s a lot going on around the Erin Pavlina office, and I’ve been super busy, but I want to share a bit of what’s happening
The Line Up: A medium’s experience on the astral plane
I’m in the process of writing a complete guidebook on how to astral project safely and effectively. I’m totally immersed in the writing, and as
Top 10 Astral Projection Questions Answered
Discover the top 10 questions about astral projection answered. Learn how to initiate experiences, and navigate the astral plane safely.
Can I enter a friend’s dream to help him?
Question: I need advice on dreaming and going into my friend’s dreams. I’m advanced in lucid dreaming but my friend has nightmares every night. I’m
Is it harder to astral project when you get older?
Explore how age might impact your ability to start astral projecting and find tips on overcoming challenges in this article.
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