Question: I came across an article about spirit guides, which says that some people have negative spirit guides, who misguide them, and there are some
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Spiritual Wisdom & Psychic Perspectives
with Erin Pavlina
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Question: I came across an article about spirit guides, which says that some people have negative spirit guides, who misguide them, and there are some
How do I know if I’m really talking to my higher self or something else?
Question: I’m enjoying your blog and learning how to channel my higher self, but how do I know if I’m really in contact with my
Isn’t there a less painful way to learn spiritual lessons?
Question: Why do our spirit guides feel the need to drop us on our asses so painfully in order to teach us the error of
Guided Meditation as a Tool for Speaking with Spirit Guides
One of the best ways to connect with your spirit guides (or other beings for that matter) is to use guided meditation. Many times during
How Should You Communicate With Your Spirit Guides?
Is there some special way you’re supposed to talk to your spirit guides, angels, higher self, and/or God? Do you have to speak out loud or can you talk to them in your mind?
Besides spirit guides who dwell in the ether did you know that sometimes people here on Earth can be your guides as well? That’s right, living guides, right here on Earth. Are they beings who jump into people’s bodies, take them over, and deliver a message to you while you’re sitting at Starbucks?
Do spirit guides arrange relationships?
Question: Do my spirit guides select a person for me to fall in love with? If so, do they have to get some type of
Are guides always wiser than us?
Question: Do you feel most of your guides are at the same vibrational level to you or of a higher vibration? I ask because I
At the 2008 Las Vegas I Can Do It conference that Steve and I just attended a very interesting thing happened during the Friday pre-conference workshop. I
How To Tell the Difference Between Your Ego, Logic, Spirit Guides and Intuition
A question I am asked frequently is how to know if you are receiving guidance or advice from your intuition, your spirit guides, or just
Submit Questions for Channeling Session
One of our forum members had a great idea. We’re going to have a channeling session. Here is how it will work. First, submit questions
Connecting With The Dead During Readings
I want to answer some questions and share some thoughts related to connecting with the deceased during the intuitive readings. I hope this will clarify some things
Unlock the wisdom of your spirit guides and discover the guidance you’ve been missing.
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