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Erin Pavlina
Erin Pavlina

Let me tell you a story…

A couple of years ago I asked my readers if they’d be interested in getting long term coaching with me.

The response was overwhelmingly positive, especially from people who had already had a reading with

They knew the power of just one reading, and they imagined how great it would be to have that kind of
guidance on an ongoing basis instead of just one time.

I wasn’t sure if coaching would work or how I wanted to do it, so I decided to launch a behind-the-scenes
pilot program to test it. I took on just a few clients and got to work.

It went extremely well!

One of my clients got her own tv show, which was a lifelong dream of hers. She’s currently dating the
man of her dreams after looking for years with no success. She also got clarity on the issues with her
mother and for the first time in her life is able to have a healthy relationship with her.

Another client stepped outside of the 9 to 5 job he tolerates and is now passionately pursuing a course
more aligned with his life purpose, helping others, and having the time of his life.

A third client got investment and business advice that took his wealth into the millions, and now uses his
money to support the infrastructure of third world countries.

I don’t coach the way other people coach.

Crises and questions don’t happen on a schedule.

There are no set appointments. There is no limit to the communication. When my clients need me, they
get me.

I want my clients to have access to their guides’ wisdom and insight any time they need it.

Sometimes that’s a 5 minute call to check something before heading into a business meeting, and
sometimes it’s a 2 hour phone call with tears and emotional healing.

Sometimes it’s a quick email or text, and sometimes it’s a scheduled appointment just to check in and
make sure they are still on track.

No question is off limits. No area of life is out of bounds.

I’m ready now to offer Intuitive Coaching to more people.

Because of the depth and care I take with my clients, and because I hold space for my clients to reach
me whenever they need me, I can only take on a small number of clients at one time.

That number is five.

Are you ready to take action to get the career, relationship and life of your dreams?

Are you committed to walking the path that will have you excited to wake up in the morning?

Are you ready to invest in a future that is fulfilling and purposeful?

Then apply now for one of the coaching spots.

Intuitive Coaching Unlimited Access Program Cost: $3000 per month

Apply Now